
Identification number Subject Procurement method Date of publication Terms for submission of tenders Status
Identification numberPRO-2024/228 / AS Conexus Baltic Grid 2024/3 SubjectSupply of a mobile gas compressor unit for the Inčukalns underground gas storage Procurement methodNegotiation procedure with publishing the invitation to participate Date of publication26.01.2025 Terms for submission of tenders17.03.2025 10:00 StatusAnnounced

Joint Stock Company (JSC) „Conexus Baltic Grid” organizes the negotiated procedure by publishing an invitation to participate “Supply of a mobile gas compressor unit for the Inčukalns underground gas storage”, ID Nr. AS Conexus Baltic Grid 2024/3 (PRO-2024/228).

Economic operators can download the regulations from Electronic Procurement System’s e-tenders subsystem, under the section of this negotiated procedure:    

For clarifications regarding issues related to the Negotiated procedure and the requirements included in the regulations Candidates may contact Aleksandrs Tereševs, Leading Procurement Specialist of the Procurement Division of the Legal Department, +371 26310214, e-mail: [email protected].

For up-to-date information on the procurement, please follow the buyer profile of JSC “Conexus Baltic Grid” in the Electronic Procurement System: