Consolidated Maintenance Works plan of Baltic - Finnish region

Baltic – Finnish region gas transmission system operators AB Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid AS, Elering AS and Gasgrid Finland Oy (TSOs) and LNG terminal operators AB Klaipedos nafta and Floating LNG Terminal Finland Oy (LTOs) have jointly prepared the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan of Baltic - Finnish region for the period from October 2023 to December 2024. The maintenance works plan contains scheduled maintenance works of gas transmission system, LNG terminals and Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage and capacities offered to the market participants.

The published Consolidated Maintenance Works plan describes the situation on 21th of June 2023 and is available HERE.

Please note that the direction (entry/exit) for the capacity indicated in the document is from the TSO’s or LTO’s perspective who is performing the related maintenance work. For instance, Balticconnector cleaning probe performed by Elering limits Balticconnector entry capacity from Elering point of view (FIN->EE). This means that limitation affects exit direction from Gasgrid point of view (FIN->EE).

Any updates to the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan after 21th of June 2023 will be primarily published as Urgent Market Messages (UMM) on GET Baltic inside information platform.

Up-to-date information on the technical capacity values can be found on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform.

To ensure up-to-date information, please carefully follow the following information channels:

2023.06.21 19:26:33