Storage capacity auction calendar for the 2025/2026 storage cycle is confirmed

Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved the capacity auction calendar for the 2025/2026 storage cycle of the Inčukalns underground gas storage (UGS) of the joint stock company “Conexus Baltic Grid” (“Conexus”).

According to the amendments to the Regulations Regarding the Use of Inčukalns UGS approved by PUC in December 2021, Conexus must publish an auction calendar for the next storage cycle agreed with PUC on its website  by January 10 each year.

According to the auction calendar, auctions for five-year bundled capacity products will be held every Tuesday, from February 11 to May 6, 2025 (inclusive). The auctions for the bundled capacity products will be held every Thursday from February 27 to June 5, 2025 inclusive. The auctions for the interruptible capacity products will take place every Thursday from June 19 to September 25 inclusive. According to the amendments to the Inčukalns UGS Regulations, the two-year bundled capacity product is no longer auctioned.

At the same time, Conexus informs that the tariff for the Inčukalna UGS stock transfer product is determined in accordance with the Natural Gas Storage System Service Tariff Calculation Methodology and is calculated using the results of the two-year bundled capacity product auctions in 2024. The tariff for the stock transfer product for the next storage cycle is therefore EUR 4,1246/MWh.

Tariffs for other storage capacity products remain unchanged.

2025.01.10 13:26:29